
Assume that a 12-bit Hamming codeword consisting of 8-bit data and 4 check bits is d_8d_7d_6d_5c_8d_4d_4d_3d_2c_4d_1c_2c_1, where the data bits and the check bits are given in the following tables: Which one of the following choices gives the correct values of x and y?


Consider the sliding window flow-control protocol operating between a sender and a receiver over a full-duplex error-free link. Assume the following: The time taken for processing the data frame by the receiver is negligible. The time taken for processing the acknowledgement frame by the sender is negligible. The sender has infinite number of frames available for transmission. The size of the data frame is 2,000 bits and the size of the acknowledgement frame is 10 bits. The link data rate in each direction is 1 Mbps (= 10^6 bits per second). One way propagation delay of the link is 100 milliseconds. The minimum value of the sender's window size in terms of the number of frames, (rounded to the nearest integer) needed to achieve a link utilization of 50% is _____________


Consider the following two statements. S1: Destination MAC address of an ARP reply is a broadcast address. S2: Destination MAC address of an ARP request is a broadcast address. Which one of the following choices is correct?


Consider the following Boolean expression. F=(X+Y+Z)(\overline X +Y)(\overline Y +Z) Which of the following Boolean expressions is/are equivalent to \overline F (complement of F)?[MSQ]


An articulation point in a connected graph is a vertex such that removing the vertex and its incident edges disconnects the graph into two or more connected components. Let T be a DFS tree obtained by doing DFS in a connected undirected graph G. Which of the following options is/are correct?


An articulation point in a connected graph is a vertex such that removing the vertex and its incident edges disconnects the graph into two or more connected components. Let T be a DFS tree obtained by doing DFS in a connected undirected graph G. Which of the following options is/are correct?


Let G be a group of order 6, and H be a subgroup of G such that 1 < |H| < 6. Which one of the following options is correct?


Consider the following ANSI C function: int SimpleFunction(int Y[], int n, int x) { int total = Y[0], loopIndex; for (loopIndex=1; loopIndex<=n-1; loopIndex++) total=x*total +Y[loopIndex]; return total; } Let Z be an array of 10 elements with Z[i]=1, for all i such that 0\leq i \leq 9. The value returned by SimpleFunction(Z,10,2) is __________


Consider a dynamic hashing approach for 4-bit integer keys: 1. There is a main hash table of size 4. 2. The 2 least significant bits of a key is used to index into the main hash table. 3. Initially, the main hash table entries are empty. 4. Thereafter, when more keys are hashed into it, to resolve collisions, the set of all keys corresponding to a main hash table. entry is organized as a binary tree that grows on demand. 5. First, the 3rd least significant bit is used to divide the keys into left and right subtrees. 6. To resolve more collisions, each node of the binary tree is further sub-divided into left and right subtrees based on the 4th least significant bit. 7. A split is done only if it is needed, i.e., only when there is a collision. Consider the following state of the hash table. Which of the following sequences of key insertions can cause the above state of the hash table (assume the keys are in decimal notation)?


Define R_n to be the maximum amount earned by cutting a rod of length n meters into one or more pieces of integer length and selling them. For i > 0, let p[i] denote the selling price of a rod whose length is i meters. Consider the array of prices: \text{p}[1]=1,\text{p}[2]=5,\text{p}[3]=8,\text{p}[4]=9,\text{p}[5]=10,\text{p}[6]=17,\text{p}[7]=18 which of the following statements is/are correct about R_7?[MSQ]